مرجع فانکشن های Step7 زیمنس ( S7 Library Functions )

مرجع فانکشن های Step7

مرجع فانکشن های Step7

مرجع فانکشن های Step7 زیمنس

با مراجعه به کتابخانه زیمنس نتوانستم لیست مرجع فانکشن های Step7 در کتابخانه های استاندارد S7 زیمنس پیدا کنم ، بنابراین این جداول را از منابع مختلف در این مقاله گرد آوردیم. این جداول به ما کمک می کند تا دید بهتری در فانکشن های موجود Step7 زیمنس داشته باشیم. این لیست در فرمت اکسل نیز از طریق کلید زیر موجود است ، که میتوانید دانلود کنید و در گوشی موبایل خود داشته باشید.

لیست فانکشن بلاکهای سیستمی << Step7 مرجع فانکشن های

System Function Blocks     ( SFB )

Number Name Family Description
SFB 1 CTD IEC_TC Count Down
SFB 2 CTUD IEC_TC Count Up/Down
SFB 3 TP IEC_TC Generate a Pulse
SFB 4 TON IEC_TC Generate an On Delay
SFB 5 TOF IEC_TC Generate an Off Delay
SFB 8 USEND COM_FUNC Uncoordinated Sending of Data
SFB 9 URCV COM_FUNC Uncoordinated Receiving of Data
SFB 12 BSEND COM_FUNC Sending Segmented Data
SFB 13 BRCV COM_FUNC Receiving Segmented Data
SFB 14 GET COM_FUNC Read Data from a Remote CPU
SFB 15 PUT COM_FUNC Write Data to a Remote CPU
SFB 16 PRINT COM_FUNC Send Data to Printer
SFB 19 START COM_FUNC Initiate a Warm or Cold Restart on a Remote Device
SFB 20 STOP COM_FUNC Changing a Remote Device to the STOP State
SFB 21 RESUME COM_FUNC Initiate a Hot Restart on a Remote Device
SFB 22 STATUS COM_FUNC Query the Status of a Remote Partner
SFB 23 USTATUS COM_FUNC Receive the Status of a Remote Device
SFB 29 HS_COUNT COUNTERS Counter (high-speed counter, integrated function) (only exist on the CPU 312 IFM and CPU 314 IFM)
SFB 30 FREQ_MES COUNTERS Frequency Meter (frequency meter, integrated function (only exist on the CPU 312 IFM and CPU 314 IFM)
SFB 31 NOTIFY_8P COM_FUNC Generating block related messages without acknowledgement indication
SFB 32 DRUM TIMERS Implement a Sequencer
SFB 33 ALARM COM_FUNC Generate Block-Related Messages with Acknowledgment Display
SFB 34 ALARM_8 COM_FUNC Generate Block-Related Messages without Values for 8 Signals
SFB 35 ALARM_8P COM_FUNC Generate Block-Related Messages with Values for 8 Signals
SFB 36 NOTIFY COM_FUNC Generate Block-Related Messages without Acknowledgment Display
SFB 37 AR_SEND COM_FUNC Send Archive Data
SFB 38 HSC_A_B COUNTERS Counter A/B (integrated function) (only exist on the CPU 314 IFM)
SFB 39 POS ICONT Position (integrated function) (only exist on the CPU 314 IFM)
SFB 41 CONT_C ICONT Continuous Control (only exist on the CPU 314 IFM)
SFB 42 CONT_S ICONT Step Control (only exist on the CPU 314 IFM)
SFB 43 PULSEGEN ICONT Pulse Generation (only exist on the CPU 314 IFM)
SFB 44 ANALOG TEC_FUNC Positioning with Analog Output (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 46 DIGITAL TEC_FUNC Positioning with Digital Output (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 47 COUNT TEC_FUNC Controlling the Counter (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 48 FREQUENC TEC_FUNC Controlling the Frequency Measurement (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 49 PULSE TEC_FUNC Controlling Pulse Width Modulation (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 52 RDREC DP Reading a Data Record
SFB 53 WRREC DP Writing a Data Record
SFB 54 RALRM DP Receiving an Interrupt
SFB 60 SEND_PTP TEC_FUNC Sending Data (ASCII, 3964(R)) (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 61 RECV_PTP TEC_FUNC Receiving Data (ASCII, 3964(R)) (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 62 RES_RECV TEC_FUNC Deleting the Receive Buffer (ASCII, 3964(R)) (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 63 SEND_RK TEC_FUNC Sending Data (RK 512) (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 64 FETCH_RK TEC_FUNC Fetching Data (RK 512) (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 65 SERVE_RK TEC_FUNC Receiving and Providing Data (RK 512) (only exist on the S7-300C CPUs)
SFB 75 SALRM DP Send interrupt to DP master
SFB 81 RD_DPAR IO_FUNCT Read Predefined Parameter

لیست فانکشن کالهای سیستمی << Step7 مرجع فانکشن های

System Function Calls   ( SFC )

Number Name Family Description
SFC 0 SET_CLK CLK_FUNC Set System Clock
SFC 1 READ_CLK CLK_FUNC Read System Clock
SFC 2 SET_RTM CLK_FUNC Set Run-time Meter
SFC 3 CTRL_RTM CLK_FUNC Start/Stop Run-time Meter
SFC 4 READ_RTM CLK_FUNC Read Run-time Meter
SFC 5 GADR_LGC IO_FUNCT Query Logical Address of a Channel
SFC 6 RD_SINFO DB_FUNCT Read OB Start Information
SFC 7 DP_PRAL DP Trigger a Hardware Interrupt on the DP Master
SFC 9 EN_MSG COM_FUNC Enable Block-Related, Symbol-Related and Group Status Messages
SFC 10 DIS_MSG COM_FUNC Disable Block-Related, Symbol-Related and Group Status Messages
SFC 11 DPSYC_FR DP Synchronize Groups of DP Slaves
SFC 12 D_ACT_DP DP Deactivation and activation of DP slaves
SFC 13 DPNRM_DG DIAGNSTC Read Diagnostic Data of a DP Slave (Slave Diagnostics)
SFC 14 DPRD_DAT DP Read Consistent Data of a Standard DP Slave
SFC 15 DPWR_DAT DP Write Consistent Data to a DP Standard Slave
SFC 17 ALARM_SQ PMC_FUNC Generate Acknowledgeable Block-Related Messages
SFC 18 ALARM_S PMC_FUNC Generate Permanently Acknowledged Block-Related Messages
SFC 19 ALARM_SC PMC_FUNC Query the Acknowledgment Status of the last ALARM_SQ Entering State Message
SFC 20 BLKMOV MOVE Copy Variables
SFC 21 FILL MOVE Initialize a Memory Area
SFC 22 CREAT_DB DB_FUNCT Create Data Block
SFC 23 DEL_DB DB_FUNCT Delete Data Block
SFC 24 TEST_DB DB_FUNCT Test Data Block
SFC 25 COMPRESS DB_FUNCT Compress the User Memory
SFC 26 UPDAT_PI IO_FUNCT Update the Process Image Update Table
SFC 27 UPDAT_PO IO_FUNCT Update the Process Image Output Table
SFC 28 SET_TINT PGM_CNTL Set Time-of-Day Interrupt
SFC 29 CAN_TINT PGM_CNTL Cancel Time-of-Day Interrupt
SFC 30 ACT_TINT PGM_CNTL Activate Time-of-Day Interrupt
SFC 31 QRY_TINT PGM_CNTL Query Time-of-Day Interrupt
SFC 32 SRT_DINT PGM_CNTL Start Time-Delay Interrupt
SFC 33 CAN_DINT PGM_CNTL Cancel Time-Delay Interrupt
SFC 34 QRY_DINT PGM_CNTL Query Time-Delay Interrupt
SFC 35 MP_ALM PGM_CNTL Trigger Multicomputing Interrupt
SFC 36 MSK_FLT DIAGNSTC Mask Synchronous Errors
SFC 37 DMSK_FLT DIAGNSTC Unmask Synchronous Errors
SFC 38 READ_ERR DIAGNSTC Read Error Register
SFC 39 DIS_IRT IRT_FUNC Disable New Interrupts and Asynchronous Errors
SFC 40 EN_IRT IRT_FUNC Enable New Interrupts and Asynchronous Errors
SFC 41 DIS_AIRT IRT_FUNC Delay Higher Priority Interrupts and Asynchronous Errors
SFC 42 EN_AIRT IRT_FUNC Enable Higher Priority Interrupts and Asynchronous Errors
SFC 43 RE_TRIGR PGM_CNTL Re-trigger Cycle Time Monitoring
SFC 44 REPL_VAL DIAGNSTC Transfer Substitute Value to Accumulator 1
SFC 46 STP PGM_CNTL Change the CPU to STOP
SFC 47 WAIT PGM_CNTL Delay Execution of the User Program
SFC 48 SNC_RTCB CLK_FUNC Synchronize Slave Clocks
SFC 49 LGC_GADR IO_FUNCT Query the Module Slot Belonging to a Logical Address
SFC 50 RD_LGADR IO_FUNCT Query all Logical Addresses of a Module
SFC 51 RDSYSST DIAGNSTC Read a System Status List or Partial List
SFC 52 WR_USMSG DIAGNSTC Write a User-Defined Diagnostic Event to the Diagnostic Buffer
SFC 54 RD_PARM IO_FUNCT Read Defined Parameters
SFC 55 WR_PARM IO_FUNCT Write Dynamic Parameters
SFC 56 WR_DPARM IO_FUNCT Write Default Parameters
SFC 57 PARM_MOD IO_FUNCT Assign Parameters to a Module
SFC 58 WR_REC IO_FUNCT Write a Data Record
SFC 59 RD_REC IO_FUNCT Read a Data Record
SFC 60 GD_SND COM_FUNC Send a GD Packet
SFC 61 GD_RCV COM_FUNC Fetch a Received GD Packet
SFC 62 CONTROL COM_FUNC Query the Status of a Connection Belonging to a Communication SFB Instance
SFC 63 AB_CALL PLASTICS Assembly Code Block (only exists for CPU 614)
SFC 64 TIME_TCK CLK_FUNC Read the System Time
SFC 65 X_SEND COM_FUNC Send Data to a Communication Partner outside the Local S7 Station
SFC 66 X_RCV COM_FUNC Receive Data from a Communication Partner outside the Local S7 Station
SFC 67 X_GET COM_FUNC Read Data from a Communication Partner outside the Local S7 Station
SFC 68 X_PUT COM_FUNC Write Data to a Communication Partner outside the Local S7 Station
SFC 69 X_ABORT COM_FUNC Abort an Existing Connection to a Communication Partner outside the Local S7 Station
SFC 70 GEO_LOG IO_FUNCT Determine Start Address of a Module
SFC 71 LOG_GEO IO_FUNCT Determine the Slot Belonging to a Logical Address
SFC 72 I_GET COM_FUNC Read Data from a Communication Partner within the Local S7 Station
SFC 73 I_PUT COM_FUNC Write Data to a Communication Partner within the Local S7 Station
SFC 74 I_ABORT COM_FUNC Abort an Existing Connection to a Communication Partner within the Local S7 Station
SFC 78 OB_RT DIAGNSTC Determine OB program runtime
SFC 79 SET BIT_LOGC Set a Range of Outputs
SFC 80 RSET BIT_LOGC Reset a Range of Outputs
SFC 81 UBLKMOV MOVE Uninterruptible Block Move
SFC 82 CREA_DBL DB_CTRL Create a Data Block in the Load Memory
SFC 83 READ_DBL DB_CTRL Read from a Data Block in Load Memory
SFC 84 WRIT_DBL DB_CTRL Write from a Data Block in Load Memory
SFC 85 CREA_DB DB_FUNCT Create a Data Block
SFC 87 C_DIAG COM_FUNC Diagnosis of the Actual Connection Status
SFC 90 H_CTRL HF_FUNCT Control Operation in H Systems
SFC 100 SET_CLKS CLK_FUNC Setting the Time-of-Day and the TOD Status
SFC 101 RTM CLK_FUNC Handling runtime meters
SFC 102 RD_DPARA IO_FUNCT Redefined Parameters
SFC 103 DP_TOPOL DP Identifying the bus topology in a DP master system
SFC 104 CIR PGM_CNTL Controlling CiR
SFC 105 READ_SI PMC_FUNC Reading Dynamic System Resources
SFC 106 DEL_SI PMC_FUNC Deleting Dynamic System Resources
SFC 107 ALARM_DQ PMC_FUNC Generating Always Acknowledgeable and Block-Related Messages
SFC 108 ALARM_D PMC_FUNC Generating Always Acknowledgeable and Block-Related Messages
SFC 112 PN_IN PROFIne2 Update inputs in the user program interface of PROFInet components
SFC 113 PN_OUT PROFIne2 Update outputs in the user program interface of PROFInet components
SFC 114 PN_DP PROFIne2 Update DP interconnections
SFC 126 SYNC_PI IO_FUNCT Update process image partition input table in synchronous cycle
SFC 127 SYNC_PO IO_FUNCT Update process image partition output table in synchronous cycle

Step7 به Step5 لیست مبدلهای << Step7 مرجع فانکشن های

S5-S7 Converting Blocks

Number Name Family Description
FC 61 GP_FPGP S5_CNVRT Change fixed point number to floating point number
FC 62 GP_GPFP S5_CNVRT Change floating point number to fixed point number
FC 63 GP_ADD S5_CNVRT Add floating point numbers
FC 64 GP_SUB S5_CNVRT Subtract floating point numbers
FC 65 GP_MUL S5_CNVRT Multiply floating point number
FC 66 GP_DIV S5_CNVRT Divide floating point numbers
FC 67 GP_VGL S5_CNVRT Compare floating point numbers
FC 68 RAD_GP S5_CNVRT Extract root of floating point numbers
FC 69 MLD_TG S5_CNVRT Clock generator
FC 70 MLD_TGZ S5_CNVRT Clock generator (timing element)
FC 71 MLD_EZW S5_CNVRT Message of first value with single flashing light, wordwise, A
FC 72 MLD_EDW S5_CNVRT Message of first value with double flashing light, wordwise, A
FC 73 MLD_SAMW S5_CNVRT Collected message, wordwise (sound alert)
FC 74 MLD_SAM S5_CNVRT Collected message, bitwise
FC 75 MLD_EZ S5_CNVRT Message of first value with single flashing light, bitwise, A
FC 78 MLD_EDWK S5_CNVRT Message of first value with double flashing light, wordwise, A+M
FC 79 MLD_EZK S5_CNVRT Message of first value with single flashing light, bitwise, A+M
FC 80 MLD_EDK S5_CNVRT Message of first value with double flashing light, bitwise, A+M
FC 81 COD_B4 S5_CNVRT Change BCD number to 16 bit dual number
FC 82 COD_16 S5_CNVRT Change 16 bit dual number to BCD number
FC 83 MUL_16 S5_CNVRT Multiply 16 bit dual numbers
FC 84 DIV_16 S5_CNVRT Divide 16 bit dual numbers
FC 85 ADD_32 S5_CNVRT Add 32 bit dual numbers
FC 86 SUB_32 S5_CNVRT Subtract 32 bit dual numbers
FC 87 MUL_32 S5_CNVRT Multiply 32 bit dual numbers
FC 88 DIV_32 S5_CNVRT Divide 32 bit dual numbers
FC 89 RAD_16 S5_CNVRT Extract roots of 16 bit dual numbers
FC 90 REG_SCHB S5_CNVRT Bi-directional shift register, bitwise
FC 91 REG_SCHW S5_CNVRT Bi-directional shift register, wordwise
FC 92 REG_FIFO S5_CNVRT Buffer memory (FIFO)
FC 93 REG_LIFO S5_CNVRT Stack register (LIFO)
FC 94 DB_COPY1 S5_CNVRT Copy data block, direct assignment of parameters
FC 95 DB_COPY2 S5_CNVRT Copy data block, indirect assignment of parameterization
FC 96 RETTEN S5_CNVRT Save scratchpad memory
FC 97 LADEN S5_CNVRT Load scratchpad memory
FC 98 COD_B8 S5_CNVRT Change BCD number to 32 bit dual number
FC 99 COD_32 S5_CNVRT Change 32 bit dual number to BCD number
FC 100 AE_460_1 S5_CNVRT Read analog value
FC 101 AE_460_2 S5_CNVRT Read analog value
FC 102 AE_463_1 S5_CNVRT Read analog value
FC 103 AE_463_2 S5_CNVRT Read analog value
FC 104 AE_464_1 S5_CNVRT Read analog value
FC 105 AE_464_2 S5_CNVRT Read analog value
FC 106 AE_466_1 S5_CNVRT Read analog value
FC 107 AE_466_2 S5_CNVRT Read analog value
FC 108 RLG_AA1 S5_CNVRT Output analog value
FC 109 RLG_AA2 S5_CNVRT Output analog value
FC 110 PER_ET1 S5_CNVRT Read and Write for extended periphery (direct assignment of parameters)
FC 111 PER_ET2 S5_CNVRT Read and Write for extended periphery (indirect assignment of parameters)
FC 112 SINUS S5_CNVRT Sine (x)
FC 113 COSINUS S5_CNVRT Cosine (x)
FC 114 TANGENS S5_CNVRT Tangent (x)
FC 115 COTANG S5_CNVRT Cotangent (x)
FC 116 ARCSIN S5_CNVRT Arc sine (x)
FC 117 ARCCOS S5_CNVRT Arc cosine (x)
FC 118 ARCTAN S5_CNVRT Arc tangent (x)
FC 119 ARCCOT S5_CNVRT Arc cotangens (x)
FC 120 LN_X S5_CNVRT Natural logarithm ln (x)
FC 121 LG_X S5_CNVRT Decade logarithm Iog (x)
FC 122 B_LOG_X S5_CNVRT General logarithm log (x) to basis b
FC 123 E_H_N S5_CNVRT e to the power of n
FC 124 ZEHN_H_N S5_CNVRT 10 to the power of n
FC 125 A2_H_A1 S5_CNVRT AKKU 2 to the power of AKKU 1

IEC لیست فانکشن بلاکهای << Step7 مرجع فانکشن های

IEC Function Blocks

Number Name Family Description
FC 1 AD_DT_TM IEC Point Math Add duration to a time
FC 2 CONCAT IEC Combine two STRING variables
FC 4 DELETE IEC Delete in a STRING variable
FC 5 DI_STRNG IEC Data type conversion DINT to STRING
FC 6 DT_DATE IEC Extract the DATE from DT
FC 7 DT_DAY IEC Extract the day of the week from DT
FC 8 DT_TOD IEC Extract the TIME_OF_DAY from DT
FC 9 EQ_DT IEC Compare DT for equal
FC 10 EQ_STRNG IEC Compare STRING for equal
FC 11 FIND IEC Find in a STRING variable
FC 12 GE_DT IEC Compare DT for greater than or equal
FC 13 GE_STRNG IEC Compare STRING for greater than or equal
FC 14 GT_DT IEC Compare DT for greater than
FC 15 GT_STRNG IEC Compare STRING for greater than
FC 16 I_STRNG IEC Data type conversion INT to STRING
FC 17 INSERT IEC Insert in a STRING variable
FC 18 LE_DT IEC Compare DT for smaller than or equal
FC 19 LE_STRNG IEC Compare STRING for smaller than or equal
FC 20 LEFT IEC Left part of a STRING variable
FC 21 LEN IEC Length of a STRING variable
FC 22 LIMIT IEC Point Math Limit
FC 23 LT_DT IEC Compare DT for smaller than
FC 24 LT_STRNG IEC Compare STRING for smaller than
FC 25 MAX IEC Point Math Select maximum
FC 26 MID IEC Middle part of a STRING variable
FC 27 MIN IEC Point Math Select minimum
FC 28 NE_DT IEC Compare DT for unequal
FC 29 NE_STRNG IEC Compare STRING for unequal
FC 30 R_STRNG IEC Data type conversion REAL to STRING
FC 31 REPLACE IEC Replace in a STRING variable
FC 32 RIGHT IEC Right part of a STRING variable
FC 33 S5TI_TIM IEC Data type conversion S5TIME to TIME
FC 34 SB_DT_DT IEC Point Math Subtract two time values
FC 35 SB_DT_TM IEC Point Math Subtract duration from a time
FC 36 SEL IEC Point Math Binary selection
FC 37 STRNG_DI IEC Data type conversion STRING to DINT
FC 38 STRNG_I IEC Data type conversion STRING to INT
FC 39 STRNG_R IEC Data type conversion STRING to REAL
FC 40 TIM_S5TI IEC Data type conversion TIME to S5TIME

PID بلاکهای کنترل << Step7 مرجع فانکشن های

PID Control Blocks

Number Name Family Description
FB 41 CONT_C ICONT Continuous Control
FB 42 CONT_S ICONT Step Control
FB 43 PULSEGEN ICONT Pulse Generation
FB 58 TCONT_CP CONTROL Temperature Continuous Controller
FB 59 TCONT_S CONTROL Temperature Step Controller

لیست بلاکهای ارتباطات << Step7 مرجع فانکشن های

Communication Blocks

Number Name Family Description
FB 2 IDENTIFY CP_300 For checking device
FB 3 READ CP_300 Reads data from a data area of the communication partner specified by a name or index depending on the assignment of parameters for the job.
FB 4 REPORT CP_300 Allows unconfirmed transmission of variables by an FMS server.
FB 5 STATUS CP_300 allows status information to be requested from the communications partner on the specified FMS connection.
FB 6 WRITE CP_300 Transfers data from a specified local data area to a data area on the communication partner.
FB 8 USEND CP_300 Uncoordinated Sending of Data
FB 9 URCV CP_300 Uncoordinated Receiving of Data
FB 12 BSEND CP_300 Sending Segmented Data
FB 13 BRCV CP_300 Receiving Segmented Data
FB 14 GET CP_300 Read Data from a Remote CPU
FB 15 PUT CP_300 Write Data to a Remote CPU
FB 20 GETIO IO_FUNCT Read All Inputs of a DP Standard Slave/PROFINET IO Device
FB 21 SETIO IO_FUNCT Write All Outputs of a DP Standard Slave/PROFINET IO Device
FB 22 GETIO_PART IO_FUNCT Read a Part of the Inputs of a DP Standard Slave/PROFINET IO Device
FB 23 SETIO_PART IO_FUNCT Write a Part of the Outputs of a DP Standard Slave/PROFINET IO Device
FB 55 IP_CONFIG CP_300 Transfers a configuration data block (CONF_DB) containing connection data for an Ethernet CP.
FB 63 TSEND COMM Sending Data via TCP native and ISO on TCP
FB 64 TRCV COMM Receiving Data via TCP native and ISO on TCP
FB 65 TCON COMM Establishing a Connection using TCP native and ISO on TCP
FB 66 TDISCON COMM Terminating a Connection using TCP native and ISO on TCP
FB 67 TUSEND COMM Sending Data via UDP
FB 68 TURCV COMM Receiving Data via UDP
FC 1 DP_SEND CP_300 transfers data to the PROFIBUS CP
FC 2 DP_RECV CP_300 receives data on PROFIBUS
FC 3 DP_DIAG CP_300 used to request diagnostic information
FC 4 DP_CTRL CP_300 transfers control jobs to the PROFIBUS CP
FC 5 AG_SEND CP_300 data by means of a configured connection to the communication partner (<= 240 bytes).
FC 6 AG_RECV CP_300 data by means of a configured connection from the communication partner (<= 240 bytes, not email).
FC 7 AG_LOCK CP_300 the external data access by means of FETCH/WRITE (not for UDP, email).
FC 8 AG_UNLOCK CP_300 the external data access by means of FETCH/WRITE (not for UDP, email).
FC 10 AG_CNTRL CP_300 allows you to diagnose connections. When necessary, you can reinitialize connection establishment using the FC.
FC 11 PNIO_SEND CP_300 used for data transfer in the CP modes PROFINET IO controller or PROFINET IO device.
FC 12 PNIO_RECV CP_300 used to receive data in the CP modes PROFINET IO controller or PROFINET IO device.
FC 40 FTP_CONNECT CP_300 Establish an FTP connection
FC 41 FTP_STORE CP_300 Store a file on the FTP server
FC 42 FTP_RETRIEVE CP_300 Retrieve a file from the FTP server
FC 43 FTP_DELETE CP_300 Delete a file on the FTP server
FC 44 FTP_QUIT CP_300 Enable an FTP connection
FC 50 AG_LSEND CP_300 data by means of a configured connection to the communication partner.
FC 60 AG_LRECV CP_300 data by means of a configured connection from the communication partner (not email).
FC 62 C_CNTRL CP_300 Query a connection status for S7-300

TI-S7 لیست بلاکهای مبدل << Step7 مرجع فانکشن های

TI-S7 Converting Blocks

Number Name Family Description
FB 80 LEAD_LAG CONVERT Lead/Lag Algorithm
FB 81 DCAT TIMERS Discrete Control Alarm Timer
FB 82 MCAT TIMERS Motor Control Alarm Timer
FB 83 IMC COMPARE Index Matrix Compare
FB 84 SMC COMPARE Scan Matrix Compare
FB 85 DRUM TIMERS Event Maskable Drum
FB 86 PACK MOVE Pack Data
FC 80 TONR TIMERS Software Timer On Delay—Retentive
FC 81 IBLKMOV MOVE Indirect Block Move
FC 82 RSET BIT_LOGC Reset Range of Outputs
FC 83 SET BIT_LOGC Set Range of Outputs
FC 84 ATT TABLE Add to Table
FC 85 FIFO TABLE First In/First Out Unload Table
FC 87 LIFO TABLE Last In/First Out Unload Table
FC 89 TBL_WRD TABLE Move Table to Word
FC 90 WSR SHIFT Word Shift Register
FC 91 WRD_TBL TABLE Word to Table
FC 92 SHRB SHIFT Bit Shift Register
FC 93 SEG CONVERT Seven Segment Decoder
FC 96 ENCO CONVERT Encode Binary Position
FC 97 DECO CONVERT Decode Binary Position
FC 98 BCDCPL CONVERT Ten’s Complement
FC 99 BITSUM CONVERT Sum Number of Bits
FC 100 RSETI BIT_LOGC Reset Range of Immediate Outputs
FC 101 SETI BIT_LOGC Set Range of Immediate Outputs
FC 102 DEV MATH_FP Standard Deviation
FC 103 CDT TABLE Correlated Data Table
FC 104 TBL_TBL TABLE Table to Table
FC 105 SCALE CONVERT Scaling Values
FC 106 UNSCALE CONVERT Unscaling Values

لیست بلاکهای متفرقه << Step7 مرجع فانکشن های

Miscellaneous Blocks

Number Name Family Description
FB 60 SET_SW TIMEFUNC supports the summertime/wintertime changeover in CPUs that do not have the time status. For this purpose it sets the CPU clock to the current time and according to the changeover rules in the Control DB.
FB 61 SET_SW_S TIMEFUNC supports the summertime/wintertime changeover in CPUs that do have the time status. For this purpose it sets the time status to the current time and according to the changeover rules in the Control DB.
FB 62 TIMESTMP TIMEFUNC transfers the time-stamped messages of an IM153-2 into its instance DB.
FC 60 LOC_TIME TIMEFUNC reads the time status or time of the CPU and calculates the local time. It is therefore only useful on CPUs with time status.
FC 61 BT_LT TIMEFUNC calculates the local time from the base time given at the input.
FC 62 LT_BT TIMEFUNC calculates the base time from the local time given at the input.
FC 63 S_LTINT TIMEFUNC sets the required time interrupt to the preset time. This time is given in local time.

با سپاس از همراهی شما ،شما میتوانید با فشردن دکمه بالا با سپنتا کنترل تماس بگیرید و یا برای ما پیام بگزارید. در زیر همین صفحه میتوانید دیدگاهتان را با ما به اشتراک بگذارید.

سپنتا کنترل با سابقه بلند مدت مدیران خود میتواند شما را یاری دهد.

سپنتا کنترل تامین کننده قطعات اتوماسیون صنعتی ، برق ، ابزاردقیق ،PLC  زیمنس ،کنترل کننده های برنامه پذیر در کشور و انجام دهنده پروژه های نصب و راه اندازی و اتوماسیون صنعتی مستقر در شیراز آماده همکاری با کلیه صنایع در  کشور میباشد.
مارا در موتورهای جستجو با عناوین زیر بیابید :
زیمنس ،  زیمنس شیراز ،  مرکز زیمنس شیراز ،  پی ال سی زیمنس ،  زیمنس پی ال سی ،  تاچ ،  تعمیر تاچ پنل ،  تاچ زیمنس ،  اتوماسیون زیمنس ، نمایندگی پی ال سی زیمنس ، نماینده زیمنس شیراز ، فروش قطعات زیمنس شیراز ، قطعات زیمنس ،  نمایندگی پی ال سی ، نمایندگی فروش پی ال سی  ، دوره آموزش ، دوره آموزش زیمنس ، دوره آموزش زیمنس در شیراز ، نمایندگی زیمنس شیراز ، نمایندگی زیمنس ایران ، تعمیر ، تعمیرات ، تعمیر تاچ زیمنس ، تعمیر تاچ ، تعمیر تاچ پنل ، تعمیر پی ال سی ، نمایندگی plc شیراز ، نمایندگی plc ، فروش plc ، تعمیر plc  ، نمایندگی plc  ،siemens , siemens plc , shiraz plc  siemens , shiraz siemens , plc , automation siemens , siemens touch panel , touch panel , panel master , repair , siemens touch panel  , touch panel , repair touch

آموزشآموزش PLC

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